Napi pasi

2011.12.09. 12:31

Michael MotherFuckin' Fassbender 



















Napi P+R

2011.12.09. 12:25

A Parks&Rec szép csöndben az év sitcom-ja lett. A mai rész minden pillanata aranyat ért. Amy Poehler pedig végérvényesen levetkőzte az összes SNL-es ripacskodást és modorosságot, és csak simán szupervicces.

Összeér, aminek össze kell érnie, a vélemények pedig eléggé megegyeznek:

"Leslie Knope quoted Friday Night Lights. My life is complete."

"I want a Christmas present from Leslie Knope"













"With regards to The Office, I feel that this episode finally brought the show back to Steve Carell status. It was fantastic."

Jep. Pontosan olyan arányban keveredik a viccesség és a kedvesség, mint az Office klasszik 2. évadában.













És a teljes agymenések:











You were very fair. In fact, I'm the one who needs to apologize. I got you involved in PCP - Parks Committee of Pawnee -, but I'm starting a new group now, LSD - Leslie's Sorry Division.

Napizene 944.

2011.12.08. 19:26

Napi telegram

2011.12.08. 18:34 when I know I was gonna host Saturday Night Live I sent Eddie Murphy a TELEGRAM...

Jamie Lee Curtis SNL Season 9 - 1984

Érted, telegram...

Napi fordítás

2011.12.07. 22:03











Napi biblia

2011.12.07. 20:38

Because you know, when the bible was written, and then rewritten, and then edited, and then re-edited, then translated from dead languages and then re-retranslated and re-edited again, then re-re-re-edited, and then re-translated, and then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts out, and then re-edited and re-translated and given to the pope for him to approve, and then re-edited and re-written— all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years after they had happened to people who didn’t know how to write… I guess what I’m trying to say is, the bible is literally the world’s oldest game of telephone.


David Cross 

Napi epic

2011.12.07. 12:22

Nem ígérhetem, hogy utoljára mondom: a Homeland minden másodperce epic!


"God, literally every second in Homeland EPIC CRAZY SHIT." 

"Holy shit it is awesome. Love it." 

"Definitely one of the highlights of the year and is turning into one of my favourite shows ever."


"Dexter is almost unwatchable after Homeland. This show is falling a-fucking-part."

"Carrie Mathison all day every day."

"Catching up on Homeland: Mandy Patinkin is eating peanut butter with a ruler to the tune of “My Funny Valentine. How do more people not love this show?” 


“-What’s in Geneva?


-Cuckoo clocks.” 


Szerző: kezike

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: homeland

Napi tánc

2011.12.07. 10:20


Napi idézet

2011.12.07. 10:10

You’ve got to be prepared for the names they are going to call you compared to your male peers… You will be a floozy and a slattern. He will be virile and a ladies’ man. You will be a freakshow, a retching wretch, a sloppy drunk. He will be charismatic, vainglorious, a ferocious drunk and Dionysian. You will be indiscriminate and desperate. He will be generous, tortured and driven.” 


Courtney Love

Napizene 943.

2011.12.07. 08:39

Napi panasz

2011.12.06. 21:06


Napi idézet

2011.12.06. 19:56

Wow Whitney there is one question I’ve always wanted to ask you: like, where did you learn how to sing and who’s your best friend and is that show Whitney about you and is Kevin Costner still your body guard and are you still waiting to exhale and Houston do you have a problem?

Miley Cyrus


Szerző: kezike

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: snl

Napizene 942.

2011.12.06. 17:05

Napi csaj

2011.12.06. 13:32






















Napi fotózz

2011.12.06. 13:27





















Napizene 941.

2011.12.05. 11:28

Képtelen vagyok bármi másra. 

Napizene 940.

2011.12.04. 22:22

Napi cuki

2011.12.04. 11:55

A cukiságfaktor tízereszázmilliónégykilótrilliárd!! 

























90s és kertészgatya foreva.

Napi nap

2011.12.04. 09:24

A nap tudja a dolgát. Kisütött.













Napi szöveg

2011.12.04. 09:17

Legjobb: Kate Nash: Foundation


Thursday night, everything’s fine, except you’ve got that look in your eye
when i’m tellin’ a story and you find it boring,
you’re thinking of something to say.
You’ll go along with it then drop it and humiliate me infront of our friends.

Then i’ll use that voice that you find annoyin’ and say something like
“yeah, intelligant imput, darlin’, why don’t you just have another beer then?”

Then you’ll call me a bitch
and everyone we’re with will be ebarrased,
and i wont give a shit.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
and i know that i should let go,
but i can’t.
And everytime we fight i know it’s not right,
everytime that you’re upset and i smile.
i know i should forget, but i can’t.

You said I must eat so many lemons
’cause i am so bitter.
I said
“i’d rather be with your friends mate ’cause they are much fitter.”

Yes, it was childish and you got agressive,
and i must admit that i was a bit scared,
but it gives me thrills to wind you up.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
and i know that i should let go,
but i can’t.
And everytime we fight i know it’s not right,
everytime that you’re upset and i smile.
i know i should forget, but i can’t.

Your face is pasty ’cause you’ve gone and got so wasted, what a suprise.
Don’t want to look at your face ’cause it’s makin’ me sick.
You’ve gone and got sick on my trainers,
I only got these yesterday.
Oh, my gosh, i cannot be bothered with this.

Well, i’ll leave you there ’til the mornin’,
and i purposly wont turn the heating on
and dear God, i hope i’m not stuck with this one.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
and i know that i should let go,
but i can’t.
And everytime we fight i know it’s not right,
everytime that you’re upset and i smile.
i know i should forget, but i can’t.

And everytime we fight i know it’s not right,
everytime that you’re upset and i smile.
i know i should forget, but i can’t.


Szerző: kezike

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: kate nash

Napi táj

2011.12.03. 23:02

Ho 4 sure















Napi néz

2011.12.03. 22:56

Szemmel dugás ON ON OOOOON! 

Napizene 939.

2011.12.03. 08:26

Napi patt

2011.12.02. 19:23

Már látom azokat a cuki kis pattanás kezdeményeket, amik vasárnapra csodálatosan gusztustalanul fognak virítani a pofámon!


Napi live

2011.12.02. 17:34

Egyszerűen kurvajó, ahogy felváltva vokáloznak egymásnak.  

süti beállítások módosítása