Napi Why The Face

2010.06.17. 08:36

Shirley Manson, az aranyos kedves, ő...

...küld egy ilyen üzenetet a faszbukon:

Okay've got to understand something......
I grew up in a house with a record player and nothing but film Soundtracks to listen to.
My two sisters and I grew up knowing every single note and nuance of "The Sound Of Music",
"My Fair Lady", "Oliver", "Oklahoma", "South Pacific", "Grease", "Kiss Me Kate", "Guys and Dolls", "Joseph's Technicolour Dream Coat" , "Cabaret" , "The King and I" and a dozen others I could reel off here.
We were OBSESSED. Utterly and completely and we played those records to death and I don't care if it's uncool or not ......I want "My Favourite Things" to be played at my funeral just like it was played at my own mum's funeral.
So you can imagine......when the show GLEE came along, I was ripe for the picking.
When the creators dreamed up this show, I can guarantee you they were thinking of people like me as their potential target audience.
Anyways......I digress.......
Point being.......I know this is ridiculous but I have just finished watching the season finale on TIVO a few moments ago and when Finn told Rachel he loved her, I burst into tears. When the class sang their thankyou song to Mr Schuester....... what did I do? 
That's right, I burst into tears. When Quinn was birthing her baby as "Bohemian Rhapsody" was being camped up like crazy by stage school enthusiasts , my husband threatened to turn the TV off cause I was a weeping mess.
Now I'm sorry but that's just so wrong on so many levels right?
But there you have it. It's official.
I am a GLEEK.
Plain and simple.
Simple as that.

Hát értem én ezt a világot?:))

Mondjuk a Bohamian Rhapsody részt én is végignyivákoltam. Én. Egy mjuzikelt...Mondom én, hogy nem értem ezt a világot:)


Ez így kiragadva azért tömény nyál, viszont állam most is leesik, mert épp előtte beszélgettük, hogy a tehetségkutatókban Freddie Mercury az egyetlen, akibe MINDENKINEK beletörik a bicskája. Őnekijek nem.

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