Napi magyar

2011.03.22. 10:57

Akkor vagy igazán magyar, ha...

1. you use sour cream more than ketchup.

7. a family member thinks you are crazy and yells at you because you don’t wear “papucs” around the house at all times to prevent yourself from “felfázni”

11. you can swear for 5 minutes straight, with one breath, not using the same word, ever.

14. you can’t enjoy a day at the “strand” without a good lángos.

15. you watched Walt Disney cartoons each Sunday at 3:30 p.m.

18. you love “Túró Rudi” and you know that “csak a pöttyös az igazi”. 

26. you greet elderly people with “Csókolom!” even when you’re 18.

27. you tell someone that you are Hungarian, they ask “Are you hungry?” Then you congratulate them on being the millionth person to say that to you

35. you know and you like “Süsü a sárkány”.

46. you have the largest collection of plastic bags in the world, but will still take loads from Tesco or Auchan

50. you can say “megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért”

...és akkor, ha kurva ideges leszel, hogy ez mér angolul van:)

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